Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

You know why I like Democrats? I like them because they’re internally focused. They care about things like social welfare, civil rights, rule of law. Most importantly, they don’t do much country building when they’re in office.

Remember Bush’s plan to spread freedom across the globe? How freedom was flowering in the Middle East? Remember how he planted the seeds in Iraq, and it spread to Lebanon and Palestine? (Almost Revolutions and Free Elections, w00t!) Well, it’s spread alright. Spread like a pestilence.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all for democracy. My problem is with democracy that doesn’t come as a natural step in a country’s political evolution. America has to realize that they can’t play God, they can’t create countries in their image. It just doesn’t work that way. This is what comes from stomping around the world making demands; three countries in shambles, on the brink of civil war. Now I’m not discounting the extreme idiocy of the people involved in these conflicts, but I also won’t deny the affect of the US further destabilizing this already volatile region.

What I love about the whole thing is the sheer arrogance that goes into US foreign policy. See they were supposed to be greeted as liberators. They’re fixing our flawed systems of government. They’re freeing us from our terrible autocracies (if it’s in their best interest to do that, after all if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, financially speaking of course).

I will not even mention how freezing DPR Korea’s foreign assets probably caused them to step up their nuclear program. Or how they seem to have gone into the current six country talks with a ‘we will be obeyed or we will make your lives this much more miserable’ attitude which is just how you should treat a megalomaniac with nuclear capabilities.

Stupid arrogant neo-con FUCKERS.

End rant.


The Solar Alchemist said...

I agree that the US government is full of it self, and is trying to impose it's vision on what a proper society looks like! yes they are wrong, but if you think about it this has been done throughout history by what ever nation or empire existed at the time, from the Romans to the Greeks, from Napoleon to the British empire the Nazis and so forth.
It’s just Americas day in the sun, and just like every other great empire they will one day fall from grace!

SnoCone said...

Solar You're right of course. Anything built by man is by nature impermanent. Still, that doesn't make what's happening any less fucked up or dangerous. I don't even want to see an end to the US; I just want them to ease up a little. (Also heh, your doom is that you're a great nation, reminds me of that conversation in Catch-22 with the old guy in the house of ill repute. *snork*)

The Krispy Dixie said...

I like ur rants :D


rant on girl! its good for ur soul!