Tuesday, November 29, 2005

My kingdom for a book...

Bookstores in Kuwait need to do something about their nearly non-existent sci-fi/fantasy section. I'd kill for a halfway decent book in that genre right now. I mean what kind of bookstore employee has never heard of Neil Gaiman? It's FRICKIN NEIL GAIMAN man! No graphic novels, no Discworld, no Lloyd Alexander, not even Dune! What the hell kind of bookstore doesn't carry Brave New World, or even 1984?! Don't even get me started on their ignorance of Kurt Vonnegut.

Excuse me for a second y'all, I just need a moment. ::Goes off to yell and rip up stuff::

Ok, so anyone know a bookstore that can help me not go stark raving mad? Please. For the sake of my sanity? What's left of it?

On a less manic and desperate note, is anyone here a sci-fi/fantasy fan? If so, who's your favorite author? What books do you recommend? If anyone is interested, I could do a couple of recs/reviews of some of the ones I like.


kwtia said...

Love your writing, though you seem to have taken a break..
Neil Gaiman...I have the Sandman hanging out by the bathtub..
Which bookstores have you been to?..sometimes you find a single gem stuck somehwere behind a load of bizzarely useless books..
Give us your faves so we know what you already have.. :)

The Krispy Dixie said...

amazon.com is ur best bet ;)

tooomz.com .... She's a semi sci/fi fan :)