Monday, November 21, 2005

Just another Stix song title...

The thing is, I really can't take this feeling anymore. Stuff is getting more and more surreal everday and I can't step off this roller coaster. As usual, I'm decidind to shrug it off, kick it to a corner, and pretend that it isn't there. Perfect solution.

So anyway, been listening to this audio version of Thomas Friedman's 'The World is Flat', and I've got to say it's interesting stuff. It makes you wonder if/when Kuwait's ever going to join the playing field. Scary concept.

I was thinking, I want to keep my blog, and any object of my observations gender unspecified. I'm pretty sure that it's pretty obvious anyway, but what do you think? Hmm zero for, zero against. The votes seem to be evenly matched, so I guess it's up to me to decide. I'll make the decision later, I'm not much of a choice maker. The only time I can choose is when... well never, but I still prefer it not to be taken away from me.

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