Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Not Writing You A Love Song

This is not a comeback. This is just me stopping by. Real life is taking over, not in a bad way. A poem for you.

I don’t know what love is.

I know fear
Dark, consuming
Gut clenching, sweat drenching
I’ve been frozen to stone with it
Struck dumb
This is familiar
Yet different

I know joy
Bright, heady
Smile readying, hope steadying
I’ve been filled to burst with it
Full of laughter
This is familiar
Yet different

I know grief
Heavy, overwhelming
Heart wrenching, soul rending
I’ve been pulled down low with it
Shed tears
This is familiar
Yet different

I know peace
Calm, restful
Mind soothing, pulse smoothing
I’ve been suffused by it
Learned to soar
This is familiar
Yet different

Is this what love is?